Thursday, November 19, 2009

Student Spotlight: Uryia Kemp

This week's student spotlight is Uryia Kemp! Uryia is in the 8th grade and is the daughter of Marticia Chism.

Uryia is a member of the Hughes Springs Jr. High National Honors Society and is a star participant on the Lady Colt volleyball, basketball and track teams. She also actively participates in the youth department at her church.

Uryia's favorite subject is algebra because she is good with numbers and seems to catch on to the concepts quickly. She says the teachers that have had the most impact on her are Mrs. Pam Golden and Mrs. Shelia Ashlock. She says that Mrs. Golden always pushes her to do her best and to try hard every day. Mrs. Ashlock always helps to encourage her and is always there when she needs someone for advice.

Uryia says the best thing about being a student at Hughes Springs ISD is that the teachers are great and all the students are good friends. She says it is a nice environment. In the future, Uryia plans to go to Law School and has the goal of one day being a District Attorney.

Uryia was nominated by Mrs. Kim Stovall who says "Uryia is a model student. She makes good grades and focuses on her education. She is positive, outgoing and is an asset to Hughes Springs Jr. High."

Congratulations Uryia! We are proud to have you as a student at Hughes Springs ISD!!!

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