Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Student Spotlight: Jasmine Martinez

This week's student spotlight is Jasmine Martinez! Jasmine lives with her sister and brother-in-law, Andrew and Keziah Eckstrom.

Jasmine is a junior at Hughes Springs High School. She enjoys being involved with her school and community as much as her schedule will allow. Jasmine was recently inducted into the National Honors Society which only makes her more determined to keep up the hard work and dedication towards academics. Jasmine is a member of the Varsity Mustang Tennis Team. She also volunteers in the community by assisting Outreach programs at NTCC, as well as time she spends in the ministry.

Jasmine's favorite subject is Anatomy and Physiology. Since she is interested in the medical field, she finds this class challenging but rewarding. The teacher who has most influenced her is Mrs. Martha Giddens. She says she really enjoys the way that Mrs. Giddens' teaches, which is through a hands-on method. She says she likes how Mrs. Giddens brings lifelong experiences into the classroom that she finds fascinating. She also appreciates how Mrs. Giddens encourages her to pursue a medical career.

Jasmine says the best thing about being a student at Hughes Springs ISD is....being a Mustang! She says that HSISD offers a friendly atmosphere and has a great reputation for their academics.

After graduating from high school, Jasmine plans on attending NTCC for her first 2 years of college. After that, she may consider transferring to a larger university or she may stay at NTCC to take advantage of the programs they offer. Jasmine is sure she wants to pursue a medical career, perhaps becoming a Radiologist.

Jasmine was nominated by Mrs. Deanna Putman who says "Jasmine is a model student. She always wants to do her best. She is caring and is always helping out a fellow student in need, whether it is with their homework or just an encouraging word. It is a pleasure to work with Jasmine because of her positive outlook."

Congratulations Jasmine! We are so proud to have you as a student at Hughes Springs ISD!

1 comment:

  1. I'm one of Jasmine's sisters and it's about time everyone else is aware of what we've always known - She's awesome!

    Congrats, Lil Sis!


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