Thursday, February 25, 2010

Student Spotlight: Rhagen Watkins

This week's student spotlight is Rhagen Watkins, a 4th grader at Hughes Springs Elementary School. Rhagen is the daughter of Ryan and Angie Watkins.

Rhagen is actively involved with her 4th grade classes and in Hughes Springs Missionary Baptist Church.

Her favorite subject is reading because she LOVES to read! Rhagen says that all of her teachers at HSISD have been awesome. She says they have taught her a lot and have all been fun, loving and caring.

Rhagen thinks the best thing about being a student at HSISD is that they have the best teachers and it seems like everyone is one big family.

When Rhagen grows up she would like to go to college and get her degree so she can come back to Hughes Springs ISD and be a teacher.

Rhagen was nominated for the student spotlight by her teacher, Mrs. Brooke Dannelley. Mrs. Dannelley says "Rhagen is always willing to lend a helping hand with a smile on her face. She always turns her work in on time and is very inquisitive. She is curious and wants to learn new things with enthusiasm. She treats others with respect and as her equal."

Congratulations Rhagen! We are so proud to have you as a student at Hughes Springs ISD!!!

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