Sunday, March 7, 2010

ACE Celebrates Read Across America Day! By Guest Blogger, Casey Morgan

March 2 is National Read Across America day. It is also the birthday of the famous author, Dr. Seuss. In honor of both of these events, our ACE After-School program celebrated this day!

ACE students started off our afternoon with a delightful green eggs and ham snack provided by our cafeteria. After our snack, we were fortunate to have a few guest readers from Mrs. Calcote's Ready, Set, Teach class. Students were able to attend three different stations: “If I Ran The Zoo”, where students created their very own Dr. Seuss zoo animal; “ Seuss Celebrations,” where students participated in fun Seuss activities, and “Seussville University,” where students were able to play on the Seussville learning website.

We also had a very special guest among us, the Cat in the Hat!

National Read Across America day is a great way to help show the importance of reading. Reading sets a foundation for our students and Dr. Seuss helped create a world of reading that captivated many. Our ACE After-School program had a blast celebrating this day! We hope to keep the Seuss Celebrations an ACE tradition.

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