Thursday, September 24, 2009

Good Is The Enemy Of Great

In the spring of 2009, the HSISD administrative team and Board of Trustees began a book study on Jim Collin’s Good to Great upon the urging of Harvey Hohenberger, Region 8 Director. While many of us were skeptical at first, we decided to carry on, even if we learned only one thing from the book it would be worth the effort, right? After lengthy and sometimes heated discussions, we found ourselves immersed in frank and honest conversations about HSISD, about what we are and what we want to become.

We found out that we are a good district, and on some days, we do great things. However, we decided we were not “great” everyday and in everything. We decided that we did not want to become complacent and satisfied with the status quo ~ after all, “Good is the enemy of Great”. And we want to be a GREAT district.

We have decided to embark on the journey towards greatness. We know it is going to be a long road and it is not going to be easy, but we believe our community and most importantly, our students, deserve a GREAT district.

In September of 2009, we held a series of parent/community meetings. The purpose of the meetings was to invite parents and the community to join us in our journey and to draft a set of belief statements for HSISD. We have composed five statements, that we believe sum up HSISD and what we want for our district; the belief statements that will be proposed to the School Board in October are listed below.

At Hughes Springs ISD we believe….

….in challenging students to be life-long learners

….parents and staff lead by example and should continue to learn

….all students are unique and deserve the opportunity to achieve their potential

….staff, parents, students and community members are responsible for the learning and success of each student

….parental and community involvement are vital to student success