* HSISD would like to clarify the following: We were informed around 8:15 am on 11/4/2009 that a suspicious person was seen around the school on the afternoon of 11/2/2009. We took immediate action at that time by posting the suspicious person alert; we did not wait 2 days to issue the alert.
Update: Suspicious Person Alert
HSISD and Hughes Springs City Police have identified the individual who was reported as a suspicious person on 11/2/2009. They have visited with the person and do not believe he poses a threat to HSISD students.
However, please remind your children that if they ever notice any suspicious person to report them to an adult immediately.
You can call 911 or Hughes Springs Police Department at 903-639-2621. I may be reached at 903-960-4168 or email at mosleyw@hsisd.net.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Wayne Mosley
HSISD Chief of Police
10 years ago
If this happebed on 11/2/09 why did it take two days for the parents to be notified? Two days is two days to late.