Thursday, December 17, 2009

Student Spotlight: Archie Jones, 12th Grade

This week's Student Spotlight is Archie Jones. Archie's grandmother is Peggy Peters.

Archie is a 12th grader at Hughes Springs High School where he is involved in football, basketball and track.

Archie says his favorite class is Officer Wayne Mosley's Criminal Justice Class. He says he enjoys this class because he is able to learn about the laws of Texas and he wants to be a police officer.

Archie says the educator who has had the most impact on him thus far is Mrs. Stacy Green. He says Mrs. Green is always there when he needs her and always makes sure he has his work done.

Archie says the best thing about being a student in Hughes Springs ISD is being around his friends and being able to give Mrs. Green a hard time!

Archie plans to attend Kilgore College after graduation and to one day become a police officer.

Archie was nominated by Mrs. Deanna Putman. Mrs Putman says, " Archie is a student that you just enjoy having around. He is always smiling and has a very positive attitude. He is liked by his peers and is friendly to everyone. Archie is a positive role model by encouraging other students to do their best. He is polite and respectful to the teachers and staff. Archie's personality helps make a tough day at school easier."

Congratulations Archie! We are so proud to have you as a student at Hughes Springs ISD.

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