Thursday, October 8, 2009

College Week by Guest Blogger, Heather McGregor

This next week, in addition to our Homecoming festivities, our elementary and high school campuses are hosting College Week! This is a time when we encourage all of our students to begin thinking about what they will do after high school. We believe that all students should do something to further education after high school. Difficult economic times like these remind us of the importance of further education.

We talk to students about options in military training, vocational programs, community colleges and 4-year colleges and universities. At the high school level, we also talk about financial aid and scholarship opportunities. We do all of this because earning more education after high school gives kids the best chance for earning potential.

There are many activities being held on each campus to help students begin thinking about their future possibilities! This week would be a great time for you to join us in helping your child start planning for the future.

Please take a moment to talk to your child about what his/her plans are for after high school. Students who have a plan for the future have more success in school and (of course) after high school graduation. If they ask questions and you don’t know the answer, don’t worry (college planning has changed a lot!) just contact your school’s counselor; they will get the answer for you! Just having a conversation with your child helps him/her know that you believe the future is important, and that goes a long way!

Elementary Counselor: Ken Miller,

Jr. High Social Worker: Kim Stovall,

High School Counselor: Heather McGregor,

College Week Event Calendar for HSHS and other college planning tools are available on the HS Counselor’s website.

Go to:; Click on Campuses, High School, Counselor
* Hughes Springs Jr. High will host their college week next Spring.

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