Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Weather Plans / School Cancellations & Closures

A huge thank you to all the parents, grandparents, aunt and uncles who came yesterday to pick up your students when school was canceled at 1:30 pm, we truly appreciate you. As a superintendent, you have to make what you think is the best call based on the limited information you have at that given time. Based on the information we were receiving about road closures and the possibility of more rainfall, I thought it best to get our students home while we could safely do so.

I also want to take this time to update everyone on how we disseminate information about school closures/cancellations, so in the future, you know where to turn for information.

1. School2Phone: We will send out emails, phone calls and text messages to everyone who is signed up with our School2Phone system. In the event this system fails, as it did so last night, we have a variety of other outlets we use to get information out to the public, so please be sure to check those.

2. Our School Website: is constantly updated with the latest information, if you have access to the internet, always check it.

3. Our District & City Marquees

4. Media Outlets: KSLA - Channel 12, KTBS – Channel 3, KTAL – Channel 6, KLTV – Channel 7 and Radio Stations KYKX-FM, KIMP-AM, STAR 96.9 and KALK-FM.

We also depend on you to contact your friends and relatives to make sure everyone has the information they need.

Again, thank you for responding so quickly yesterday and I apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused

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