Monday, October 12, 2009

What Is A Mustang By Guest Blogger, Blaine Lewis, 11th grade

What is a Mustang? Who are the Mustangs? What does it take to be a Mustang? All of these are questions you may be asking yourself, but you would only be asking these questions if you were not from around here. By living here, you know without a shadow of a doubt who and what the Mustangs are. You know what it takes to be a Mustang and what kind of dedication you have to put forth. A mustang is a free-roaming feral horse that was brought to the Americas by the Spanish. They are wild, untamed, and can be very unpredictable; kind of like the Hughes Springs Mustangs.

When we're down in the fourth quarter 14 to 7 with 2 minutes left on the opponent's 30 yard line, all I can say is you better not be getting ready to celebrate because we're coming for you! I know what you're thinking... he's telling me all of this stuff about the mustangs but where are they and who are they? We are THE Mustangs and we live in the great town of Hughes Springs, Texas. To be a Mustang you cannot just live in Hughes Springs and go to Hughes Springs High School but you have to have the heart of a Mustang. You must be willing to give it your all whether you can win the game or not! You must be able to give your very best until you have nothing left and every second of the game has been played. That is the great thing about being considered a Mustang.

You know that no matter what, our players will give it their all until the very end - no matter what! I know that if our girls are winning 75 to 55 they are not going to start slacking and let the other team gain some ground. I know that that if our boys are on the baseball field and they have been playing in a tournament all weekend, and they're in the championship game, they're not going to take it easy because they're tired! I also know that if I hear someone talk about a fellow Mustang, then I can guarantee that it will be a compliment about that person because we do not accept poor judgments by our fellow Mustangs. We do not accept being second place, we do not accept being second best, and most importantly we do not accept anything less than a VICTORY! WE ARE THE YOUNG THUNDERING HERD!!!!!

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