Friday, February 19, 2010

Student Spotlight: Leonardo Rodriguez

This week's Student Spotlight is Leonardo Rodriguez. Leonardo is a 4th grader at Hughes Springs Elementary School. His parents are Jesus and Juana Rodriguez.

Leonardo helps the community by recycling aluminum cans and donating food to the needy.

His favorite subject is math because it is fun and he enjoys it! His favorite teacher is Mrs. Jennifer Pearson because she nominated him to be a Model Mustang.

Leonardo's favorite thing about being a student at Hughes Springs Elementary School is being a Model Mustang.

Leonardo says when he grows up he wants to work with the FBI and buy a house.

Leonardo was nominated for the Student Spotlight by Mrs. Jennifer Pearson. Mrs. Pearson says "I am nominating Leonardo because of his integrity. Every year the 4th graders at Hughes Springs Elementary visit the Austin-San Antonio area to explore the sites and stories they have studies throughout the year. This is a school field trip but all of the cost per student are paid for by the parents. When Leonardo was a third grader he heard about this trip and was excited for the opportunity to go on such a great trip. It inspired him to start saving his own money. He began saving quarters by doing odd jobs for his neighbors and chores for his family. Leonard has saved enough to pay for his himself!!! He did not have to ask his parents for any money. I believe this young man has demonstrated integrity beyond his young age of 10. I am very proud to have this student in my class and enjoy his presence every day."

Congratulations Leonardo! We are so proud to have you as a student at Hughes Springs ISD!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful to hear about students who care about others and are willing to put forth an effort to make a difference in another persons life. I think Leonardo is a great citizen in Hughes Springs and he gets my vote to be in the spotlight. This is a great honor for him and he should be recognized. I also think this is a great idea of spotlighting children who make a difference. - Connie Rhymes, Region 8 ESC


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